Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Momo Love~

陳桃花是個擅於柔道的女生。 在陳家六兄妹之中,她排行最小,是陳家唯一的女孩,陳家的每一位哥哥都很愛護她。 有一天,桃花愛上了就讀星晨學院的史朗, 於是決心要考上星晨學院, 但對於妹妹的初戀,起承轉合四位戀妹情結的哥哥不斷阻撓兩個人的戀愛。

, 桃花的五哥陳餘一,受到起承轉合四位哥哥的"打壓", 被命令在學校裡監視桃花,不能讓桃花跟史朗有任何接觸 因此,他被迫放棄考上的第一志願-夏威夷陽光海洋大學,改讀星晨學院。 不僅如此,史朗的青梅竹馬龔蕙琪,也想跟桃花搶奪在史朗心目中的位置。 另外,對桃花一見鍾情的富家公子薛志強,向桃花展開熱烈追求,想引起桃花的注意。 桃花爲了能和史朗談戀愛,全心全力破除一切阻礙,而史朗也漸漸地喜歡桃花,只是不知道如何去表達!

Tao Hua is the youngest, and only girl, in a family of six children. Her four eldest brothers are afraid that their place in Tao Hua's heart will be diminished if she is to fall in love, the four brothers set stringent guidelines as to who she can date. The brothers force the youngest, Yu yi, to care for her and he must risk his life for her protection at all time. Shi Lang has recently moved into Tao Hua's area and attends a school nearby with high academic standards. Shi Lang and Tao Hua meet on a rainy day, during which Tao Hua falls in love with him after he gives her his umbrella. She thinks that he has a big heart. Until Shi Lang comes into the picture, no guy has passed all of the guidelines set by the brothers. Despite Shi Lang's clean track record, the brothers are still unwilling to let go of their sister. They resort to getting their youngest brother, Yu Yi, to stay in high school an additional year in order to protect Tao Hua. They also "hire" Xue Zhi Qiang to distract Tao Hua from Shi Lang. Not only is Tao Hua hindered by her brothers, but she is also competing for Shi Lang's affections with Shi Lang's childhood friend, Gong Hui Qi. The two main conflicts of the story consist of Tao Hua's struggle to prove that she can be independent as well as whether or not Shi Lang actually likes Tao Hua.

2/11/2010, Today i watch again Momo Love~ This drama is funny+romantic maybe~Okay I think that's all. Bye Bye will update soon~ :)